Tuesday, Feb. 2: Funkyjahpunkys

Hell's Kitchen

By Rev. Adam McKinney on January 27, 2010

The FunkyJahPunkys are an absolute mystery to me. They utilize a dizzying combination of reggae, punk, hip-hop and funk. The outfit is a quartet of Red Hot Chili Pepper acolytes, taking the funk-metal notion to its logical next one or two steps. Their songs vacillate between pummeling riffs and eased-back druggy proclamations. They actually have a song with an Ice-T-contributed rap that features the hilarious line, "CEOs need a mothafuckin' shotgun face makeover. Ka-Blloww!" Their lead-singer may or may not have a hook for a hand. It's enough to make you go, "Huh?" What I have no doubt about is contradictions and Ice-T aside, their live show is bound to be interesting. In preparation, grow some dreadlocks and buy a pot-themed bandana. They'll take it from there.

[Hell's Kitchen, with Urban Evergreen, No Ground, Dreams Jaded, 9 p.m., no cover, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, hellskitchenonline.com]