It's Saturday, so that means DJs invade the Tempest lounge - but hark! 'Tis not just any Saturday, my young lad, it is the first Saturday, which means DJ Broam and Bobby Galaxy drop their Future Bass on the swanky cool Hilltop Tacoma lounge. The bass will swoop down and kill you, especially with guest DJ Nick Francis - music director at KPLU/Jazz24 - and his Choppertone in the house. According to hype, expect "a night of Trick Controllers and Baller Beats."
So don't sit against the wall like a loser... or they'll feast on your rotting entrails as well. Enjoy that one!
[Tempest Lounge, Saturday, April 7, 9 p.m. sharp, 913 MLK Way, Tacoma, 253.272.4904]
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