Encore Boutique Nightclub

Oh you fancy, huh

By Brett Cihon on November 17, 2010

It's not too often I wear a tie. Graduations, weddings, funerals and the occasional job interview ... that's about it. But I don a pink tie for my visit to downtown Tacoma's new Encore nightclub.

Why a tie, you ask.

Well for one, Encore enforces a dress code - slacks and collared shirts preferred. And two, Encore is a downright classy affair, an establishment that merits an expertly knotted half-Windsor. Without a tie, I would stand in stark contrast to the two-story club's dark leather seating, velvet ropes, plush bathrooms and upscale decor. 

If you're inclined to buy no drinks at the bar and pop champagne cuz you got that dough (bastardized Trey Songz lyrics), Encore offers a unique bottle service to patrons. Since Washington state law prohibits the sale of entire bottles of booze to clubbers, Encore can't just hand out the Grey Goose. Instead, for a fee, small groups can sit in reserved seating sections and be provided a personal hostess who pours drinks from a private bottle, mimicking the bottle-popping experience. With the more exclusive reserved spots running a $350 reservation fee with a $400 drink minimum, Encore's stocked bar is more than enough for me.  

I spend the evening enjoying DJ Elad's beats, admiring the degree of slope in some of the high heels and jealously watching cute hostesses pour drinks to those seated in the reserved sections. The pressed suits and fashionable dresses are a refreshing change from the schlubby attire I sometimes encounter, and wear, on nights out. The young, fit crowd seems excited to be dressed up, and I notice a lot of canoodling taking place around the club. A single lady even offers to buy me a drink, a happening I attribute solely to the presence of my tie.

The cost and up-scale nature of the club might not suit everyone, but for those Tacomans looking to dress up, head downtown and feel like a pampered movie star, Encore provides the opportunity. And hell, it can't hurt to wear a tie every so often.

Encore Boutique Nightclub

9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday-Saturday
Cabana and suite rentals: $100-$250
Dress code: Collared shirts for men.
Baggy jeans, T-shirts and hats not allowed
1025 Pacific Ave, Tacoma
