Tuesdays: $1 PBRs

Goldfish Tavern

By Volcano Staff on August 3, 2011

We have news: Goldfish Tavern on Pearl Street offers $1 PBR every Tuesday. That's right, every Tuesday citizens wake out of their mid-week funk to the alluring call of $1 oat sodas. Then - and only then - the Goldfish ceases to exist as an average, middle-of-the-week pub and becomes a bustling hub of beer drinkers and party seekers. We can hear the cries from here: Rejoice all around, beer is only $1. Screw the Tuesday blues. Rejoice, Rejoice!

[Goldfish Tavern, Tuesday $1 PBR, 5310 N. Pearl St., Tacoma, 253.759.7474]