Monday, Feb. 14: Valentine's Day savior

Jake's Bar and Bistro

By Volcano Staff on February 2, 2011

The mere mention of the word ‘Valentine' sends shudders down the spines of many Northwesterners. Questions like what to buy, what to write in the card and where to go to dinner peck at the mind. Thank God Jake's Bar and Bistro in Steilacoom makes the dinner part easy. Jake's will host a four course wine and beer dinner on Feb. 14. That's four different beers or four glasses of wine complete with a gourmet dinner for only $35. Four beers, huh? That's almost enough to forget about the toaster oven you plan on gifting. 

[Jake's Bar and Bistro, 5:30 and 7:30 times for dinner, call ahead for reservations, 215 Wilkes St., Steilacoom, 253.581.3300]