Articles (450) Currently Viewing: 381 - 400 of 450


Back for more blood

A gaunt stranger haunts the streets of Barlow, Alaska, warning: "That cold ain’t the weather. That’s Death approaching." Since Barlow is said to be the northernmost town in America, 300 miles of roadless wilderness from its closest neighbor, and since 30 days of continuous sunless night are commencing, I expected


Back for more blood

A gaunt stranger haunts the streets of Barlow, Alaska, warning: "That cold ain’t the weather. That’s Death approaching." Since Barlow is said to be the northernmost town in America, 300 miles of roadless wilderness from its closest neighbor, and since 30 days of continuous sunless night are commencing, I expected


Splendor is a pain

"Elizabeth: The Golden Age" is weighed down by its splendor. There are scenes where the costumes are so sumptuous, the sets so vast, the music so insistent that we lose sight of the humans behind the dazzle of the production. Unlike "Elizabeth" (1998), by the same director, Shekhar Kapur, this


Splendor is a pain

"Elizabeth: The Golden Age" is weighed down by its splendor. There are scenes where the costumes are so sumptuous, the sets so vast, the music so insistent that we lose sight of the humans behind the dazzle of the production. Unlike "Elizabeth" (1998), by the same director, Shekhar Kapur, this


No End In Sight

A documentary featuring devastating testimony from men and women who had top government or military jobs, had responsibility in Iraq or Washington, implemented policy, filed reports, labored faithfully in the service of U.S. foreign policy, and then left the government. Some jumped, some were pushed. They all feel disillusioned about


No End In Sight

A documentary featuring devastating testimony from men and women who had top government or military jobs, had responsibility in Iraq or Washington, implemented policy, filed reports, labored faithfully in the service of U.S. foreign policy, and then left the government. Some jumped, some were pushed. They all feel disillusioned about


All rise for "Michael Clayton"

George Clooney brings a slick, ruthless force to the title role of “Michael Clayton,” playing a fixer for a powerful law firm. He works in the shadows, cleaning up messes, and he is a realist. He tells clients what they don’t want to hear. He shoots down their fantasies of


All rise for "Michael Clayton"

George Clooney brings a slick, ruthless force to the title role of “Michael Clayton,” playing a fixer for a powerful law firm. He works in the shadows, cleaning up messes, and he is a realist. He tells clients what they don’t want to hear. He shoots down their fantasies of


Not for woman only

Jane Austen wrote six novels, which are pillars of English literature in spite of being delightful, wise, warm and beloved. Robin Swicord’s “The Jane Austen Book Club” centers on its six members who meet over six months to discuss the novels, which seem to have an uncanny relevance to events


Not for woman only

Jane Austen wrote six novels, which are pillars of English literature in spite of being delightful, wise, warm and beloved. Robin Swicord’s “The Jane Austen Book Club” centers on its six members who meet over six months to discuss the novels, which seem to have an uncanny relevance to events



The premise of "The Heartbreak Kid" is that a man marries a woman who quickly becomes unbearable to him. The problem is that she just as quickly becomes unbearable to us. Perhaps it is a tribute to Malin Akerman, who plays the new bride, named Lila, that she gets the



The premise of "The Heartbreak Kid" is that a man marries a woman who quickly becomes unbearable to him. The problem is that she just as quickly becomes unbearable to us. Perhaps it is a tribute to Malin Akerman, who plays the new bride, named Lila, that she gets the


"The Kingdom" rules the lot

“The Kingdom” is one of many movies in the ever growing “boy the Middle East sucks” genre that’s taken over theaters since it became clear to most of the country that the war on terror isn’t going to be easily won. But director Peter Berg’s film is more than just


"The Kingdom" rules the lot

“The Kingdom” is one of many movies in the ever growing “boy the Middle East sucks” genre that’s taken over theaters since it became clear to most of the country that the war on terror isn’t going to be easily won. But director Peter Berg’s film is more than just


Love jitters

Morgan Freeman returns in “Feast of Love” as a wise counselor of the troubled and heartsick. Apart from his great films, of which there are many, this is almost his standard role, although he also seems to spend a lot of time playing God. Most of his insights seem not


Love jitters

Morgan Freeman returns in “Feast of Love” as a wise counselor of the troubled and heartsick. Apart from his great films, of which there are many, this is almost his standard role, although he also seems to spend a lot of time playing God. Most of his insights seem not


Two four-star movies

Eastern Promises David Cronenberg’s “Eastern Promises” opens with a throat-slashing and a young woman collapsing in blood in a drugstore, and connects these events with a descent into an underground of Russians who have immigrated to London and brought their crime family with them. Like the Corleone family but with a


Two four-star movies

Eastern Promises David Cronenberg’s “Eastern Promises” opens with a throat-slashing and a young woman collapsing in blood in a drugstore, and connects these events with a descent into an underground of Russians who have immigrated to London and brought their crime family with them. Like the Corleone family but with a


Out of luck Up-Chuck

Here is the dirty movie of the year, slimy and scummy, and among its casualties is poor Jessica Alba, who is a cutie and shouldn’t have been let out to play with these boys. “Good Luck Chuck” layers a creaky plot device on top of countless excuses to show breasts,


Out of luck Up-Chuck

Here is the dirty movie of the year, slimy and scummy, and among its casualties is poor Jessica Alba, who is a cutie and shouldn’t have been let out to play with these boys. “Good Luck Chuck” layers a creaky plot device on top of countless excuses to show breasts,

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