Blogs (53) Currently Viewing: 41 - 53 of 53

Walkie Talkie Blog

GREEN ISSUE: Duncan Green and the Thurston County Bicycle Commuter Contest

PEDAL POWER >>>   It just makes sense that Duncan Green coordinates the Thurston County Bicycle Commuter Contest: A bicycle has always been his primary mode of transportation.   "In high school, I pretty much rode my bike to school every day, including through the snow and ice and stuff like that," says Green

Walkie Talkie Blog

Calvin and Lois

THURSDAY AT THE STATE CAPITAL MUSEUM >>> Although its sophisticated summer movie series features the likes of Cary Grant and Alfred Hitchcock, the State Capital Museum in Olympia isn't exactly known as a center for cool cultural events. It's more the sort of spot where you can pet a reindeer at holiday

Walkie Talkie Blog

Take a lesson from Ukalaliens

FRIDAY AT THE TIMBERLAND LIBRARY IN OLYMPIA >>> The ukulele isn't just for school children anymore. Yes, it's small, and yes, it's easy to learn. But after hearing Jake Shimabukuro play "Bohemian Rhapsody" on the uke, I can no longer dismiss it. It might be little and it might be cute,

Walkie Talkie Blog

Olympia Arts Perspective (Lindsay Tunkl) and Variables

A MONTH OF WEEK-LONG EXHIBITS IN DOWNTOWN OLY >>> A gallery with free exhibitions, performances, panel discussions and live music at a space downtown is a noteworthy development - even if it's a temporary gallery. That's what the Olympia Arts Perspective is offering this month in a vacant storefront on State

Walkie Talkie Blog

Olympia encore for Vagabond Opera

INTIMATE SHOW IS RELATIVELY INEXPENSIVE, TOO >>> When writing about Portland's Vagabond Opera, one must be armed with an abundance of adjectives. Hyphens help, too. The wildly eclectic and energetic band-cabaret last played in Olympia in January at the Kenneth J. Minnaert Center for the Arts. The show, part of the Washington Center

Walkie Talkie Blog

Don Friesen does Comedy in a Box tomorrow

TV SHOWS ARE FUNNY >>> From the Dr. Phil alarm clock ("You need to wake up!") to "Lifestyles of the Disappearing Middle Class with Robin Leach," impersonations are the hallmark of comedian Don Friesen, headlining Comedy in the Box Thursday. Friesen was the first comic to win the San Francisco International Comedy

Walkie Talkie Blog

Lisa Koch & the Righteous Mothers keep their clothes on

THINGS TO DO IN OLYMPIA THIS SATURDAY >>> Righteous and racy? You might not expect full nudity in a video from The Righteous Mothers, Olympia's funny and politically aware quartet, who also sing about the joys of ice cream and the discomfort of bras and pantyhose. But the Mothers - who'll perform in

Walkie Talkie Blog

Drink it in at Capitol Theater

BEER, WINE AND MOVIES >>> You already know the Capitol Theater has the best movie popcorn in Olympia (and if you didn't, the Volcano told you so in the Best of Olympia issue). But what are you going to wash that down with? The Olympia Film Society has a new answer beginning Saturday,

Walkie Talkie Blog

Mardi Gras senior citizen style

LET'S HOPE THEY KEEP THEIR TOPS ON >>> When I lived in Biloxi, Miss. (which, by the way, is pronounced "bih-LUCK-see), Mardi Gras was a very big deal. There were parades (without the toplessness of New Orleans). There were beaded necklaces and clothes in purple, green and gold. There were tooth-achingly sweet

Walkie Talkie Blog

Studly in Olympia

AS SEEN ON ERNEST DOBBIN'S BUMPER >>> "Studly seeks righteous babe 566-4137." If this personal ad is a little low on details, that's because it's written - in black marker - on the bumper of Ernest Dobbins's old white Thunderbird. Dobbins, of Olympia, resorted to the bumper method because newspaper personal ads are

Walkie Talkie Blog

Shepard speaks

JUDY FREAKING SHEPARD IS COMING TO SPEAK AT SPSCC >>> Gay-rights activist Judy Shepard will speak Friday in Olympia. Shepard is not a household name, but her late son is. Matthew Shepard was the gay college student who was beaten to death in 1998 in Laramie, Wyoming. "I think I'm a little

Walkie Talkie Blog

Beastly photos

TINY BEASTS RECEPTION TOMORROW AT THE EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE >>> When I think of "pet portraits," I can't help but remember an ugly oil painting of my aunt's beloved Clancy, an ottoman-shaped dog who ate like the spoiled child of wealthy parents. (He had a favorite cookie: Nabisco Brown Edge Wafers.)

Walkie Talkie Blog

“O’er the Land”

DEBORAH STRATMAN VISITS OLY >>> Humming yet? Northern and the Olympia Film Society are is hosting a screening of Deborah Stratman's 2009 documentary, O'er the Land, which is ostensibly about a whole host of big-picture issues - freedom, technology and manifest destiny. The screening is Tuesday, Feb. 8, kicking off at

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