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"Side By Side By SOTA"


"Side By Side By SOTA"

When Tacoma School of the Arts (SOTA) was founded in 2001, it seemed only natural that the school's many different art departments would create partnerships with local businesses of the same category. So why then did it take nearly 10 years for the theater department at SOTA

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Walkie Talkie Blog

Intern Snowpocalypse Roundup

ALL THE SNOW THAT'S FIT FOR PRINT >>> Maddie the Intern at your service. At the instruction of editor Matt Driscoll, I've done my best to give you all the important snow stories I could find on the interwebs this morning. Kevin Freitas: Snowy morning walk communte in photos Anagram Press: Snowy

Walkie Talkie Blog

Valentine's Day in Tacoma

In 2011 Tacoma was rated the "Most Romantic City" in the country, over places like Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, Calif., New Haven, Conn., and El Paso, Texas. Let's just let that sink in for a moment. Tacoma, the most romantic city in America... Seriously? According to an equation based off

Walkie Talkie Blog

Maddie the Intern Part II

DAYS THREE & FOUR >>> On Wednesday I began working on an article I've been assigned by sending out a couple of emails and doing some research, although here we are 28 hours later and I've yet to hear back ... yikes. Good thing I have options. Wednesday is a busy

Walkie Talkie Blog

Maddie the Intern

I'm Maddie Scheutzow, an 18-year-old musical theatre lover whose social life is nonexistent. I am a senior at Tacoma School of the Arts and will be studying theatre next year in college. I'm about to start rehearsals for the 5th Avenue Theatre's youth production of Oklahoma!, which is just

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