Walkie Talkie Blog
IT'S A SANDWICH SERIES >>> Established in 1976, Rollies Tavern anchors the north end of McChord Field. The dive tavern is known for several things. For prowling ladies, it's a good spot to catch Air Force types all suited up and sexy. But it's even a better spot to find pizza,
Walkie Talkie Blog
IT'S A SANDWICH SERIES >>> Often considered - and awarded - one of the best bars in the South Sound, Top of Tacoma Bar and Café has extended its hours and added new menu items. Included in the menu expansion are 14 new sandwiches - most have been specials over
Walkie Talkie Blog
IT'S A SANDWICH SERIES >>> In a quest for awesome sandwiches, you should be creative. Delis, cafes, bars - those are obvious choices. If cars could drive by themselves (I think some all ready do), a sandwich command would most likely end at a deli, café or bar. Medi's Pizza &
Walkie Talkie Blog
You can get a sandwich just about anywhere, but if you want to wrap your muzzle around a monument, then you need to go to the new masters of sandwich-making - Peterson Bros. 1111. Justin and Robbie Peterson opened the "Eleven Eleven" this summer in the Hilltop Tacoma neighborhood. From
Walkie Talkie Blog
IT'S A SANDWICH SERIES! >>> I've always felt that eating vegetarian food is like dating that proverbial nice girl. You know you should like her (she's nice and wholesome!). You want to like her (she's good for you!). You try really hard to like her (Wow! You're so sweet!). But in
Walkie Talkie Blog
IT'S A SANDWICH SERIES! >>> It's hard to elevate the sandwich into something truly extraordinary. There are a few spots in South Sound that manage, though, turning out masterful creations that put those mediocre ham-and-cheese-on-white-bread creations to shame. One of those spots is the Fish Tale Brew Pub in downtown Olympia. In
Walkie Talkie Blog
BEST SANDWICHES >>> It seems almost a "cheat" to review a French dip sandwich when discussing the best sandwiches in the South Sound. After all, isn't the sandwich simply meat and bread dipped in drippings? This is my column. I can do whatever I please (ha Pappi Swarner!). Besides, The Swiss serves
Walkie Talkie Blog
MAGICAL SANDWICH MAKERS >>> I know it's a bold move to visit Tacoma's Magical Sandwich Makers so early in this sandwich series, but I can't resist the MSM Deli. Yes, that's what the acronym means. Yes, it wins the Best Sandwich year after year in the Weekly Volcano's Best of Tacoma
Walkie Talkie Blog
A SANDWICH A WEEK >>> Continuing my quest for awesome sandwiches in the South Sound, I dropped in on the Antique Sandwich Company in the little town of Ruston. It's no surprise the Antique serves a tasty sandwich. It's been around since the mid-'70s. It has "sandwich" in its name! Yes, it's
Walkie Talkie Blog
It's hard to screw up a sandwich, since it requires just enough skill to cram a couple slices of meat and maybe some cheese between two pieces of bread. By the same token, it's also hard to elevate the sandwich into something truly extraordinary. In the months to