3 DRINK MINIMUM: Puyallup Fair's VIP Lounge

Lady Luck's Cowgirl Up lubed me up for Bret Michael

By Steph DeRosa on September 19, 2010

Better than finding a Snickers bar under your couch cushion, or a $5 bill in your coat picket, one of the best surprises you could ever encounter is a secret alcohol area of the Puyallup Fair, hosted by Lady Luck's Cowgirl Up.  Not the Park Bistro's Washington wine garden (which I love, by the way), but an area where you can get your wine-cooler buzz on before staring at Bret Michael's crotch for more than an hour straight. 

Yeah, I stared at his crotch all night, what did you expect me to look at?  His face? You know me better than that.

Tacoma's best sidekick, Bandito Betty, was appropriately at my side on Sept. 10 - and stared at Bret Michael's crotch just as much as I did. How else were we going to compare crotch notes on the way home?

First Drink (bartender's choice): Jeremiah Sweet Tea Vodka -Hot trend alert: Sweet Tea Vodka. This is the second time in the last month my 3 Drink Minimum duties have required me to sip on this form of vodka. Not that I mind. I just wish they would've come up with this iced tea idea sooner. Like when I was in high school. It totally beats the Strawberry Hill I used to take intravenously back in the '80s.

Second Drink (most popular drink within last hour): Bud Light -Bandito and I sipped our Bud Light longnecks as graciously as two ladies could while sitting in an empty tent across the table from the hairiest dude that has ever walked the planet. I wish I'd snapped a photo of him so you would believe me when I tell you we had drinks with Sasquatch himself.

Third Drink (my choice): Seagrams Raspberry Cooler -This drink choice was not my fault. Bandito picked it out for me, and for that I swore she would pay. A wine cooler? Ugh. As I sipped my fizzy malt beverage (over ice, of course), I scowled in her general direction while planning my ultimate revenge. Hey, Bandito Betty, I hope you don't mind - but I totally slipped Sasquatch your number before the show. I think I see a love connection in your future, and I'm not talking about with Bret Michael's crotch.

Puyallup Fair's VIP Tent

Just inside Gold Gate entrance, behind main rodeo/concert stage

Lady Luck's Cowgirl Up

14114 Pacific Ave. S., Tacoma