Hot Buttered Rum

Limbs Akimbo

By KUPS STAFF on October 29, 2009

Hot Buttered Rum's released their most recent studio effort, Limbs Akimbo, on Sept. 9 under the guidance of producer Tim Bluhm of the Mother Hips.

This is drummer Matt Butter's of Everyone Orchestra first official release with HBR following the departure of mandolin player and vocalist Zac Matthews in November of 2008. Butler began touring with the band in December. The addition of drums melds successfully on Limb's Akimbo.

The band's three songwriters present a diverse range of compositions. Songs like “Something New” and “A Great Many Things” continue the band's bluegrass-rock sound, while others such as “Two Loose Cannons” and “Brokedown” present a different alt-country influenced sound. “Summertime Gal” has been revamped since the previous 2007 recording on “Live in the Northeast” and is now an all-out-psychedelic-bluegrass-rock jam.

Overall, certain songs presented will appeal to longtime Butter fans while others may be more geared toward the casual listener.

Ian Gowing is a DJ at KUPS 901.FM in Tacoma