The Informant

Plus: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Lorna's Silence, Love Happens, Paper Heart and more

By Volcano Staff on September 17, 2009

CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS: A 3-D animated comedy about a kid who invents a machine that will turn water into food.  It goes wild, floods his island with food, and attacks it with a spaghetti and meatballs tornado.  Haven’t seen that before. (PG) Two and a half stars – Roger Ebert

THE INFORMANT!: Matt Damon stars as the highest-ranking executive in U.S. history to blow the whistle in a case of corporate fraud.  He exposed global price-fixing by Archer Daniels Midland, the Decatur, Ill., agribusiness conglomerate, after wearing an FBI wire for 30 months.  Along the way, incidentally, he was embezzling $9 million for his own use, a detail he neglected to share with the FBI.  Steven Soderbergh’s top-flight thriller, based on facts and shot on the original central Illinois locations, subtly becomes a human comedy. (R) Four stars – RE

JENNIFER’S BODY: Just what we were waiting for, Twilight for boys, with Megan Fox in the Robert Pattinson role, except that I recall Pattinson was shirtless.  Diablo Cody’s next screenplay after Juno is a 180-degree reversal, with the heroine now transformed into a fiend who eats the flesh of teenage boys.  Can you imagine Juno’s poor boyfriend, Michael Cera, with steak sauce?  (R) Three Stars — RE

LORNA’S SILENCE: Another intense film by the Dardenne brothers, about a young Albanian woman who has married a drug addict to become a Belgian citizen, and now, after the addict’s anticipated death, has agreed to marry a Russian to allow him to get a passport.  Sordid, sad people, driven by greed and desperation; Arta Dobroshi is touching as the woman, and Jeremie Renier brilliant as the druggie. (R) Three and a half stars – RE

LOVE HAPPENS: Romantic comedy veterans Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston are not looking for love when they find it.  Sometimes love happens when you least … (I’m sorry.  I just threw up a little in my mouth) … expect it. (PG-13) – BW

PAPER HEART: Quasi-documentary about comedian Charlyne Yi and her tour of America to ask people for their insights into true love — an emotion she doesn’t understand.  Along the way she meets and falls in love with the actor Michael Cera (Juno), and the intriguing question is, when does reality end and the scripting begin?  Sweet, funny and deceptive. (PG-13) Three stars – RE