Music news & notes

Local rockers Waves and Radiation are calling it a day

By Bobble Tiki on June 18, 2009

This is an experiment of sorts, so bare with Bobble Tiki.

In school, Bobble Tiki rarely took notes — so he’s not sure why the powers that be at the Weekly Volcano think he’s capable of a South Sound music news and notes column — but they do. So he’s going to give them one. Hang on …

Local rockers Waves and Radiation are calling it a day, or a career, or whatever. The lyric-less troupe of atmospheric and powerful churners lost drummer Brad Edwards earlier this year to the circumstances of life (he wanted to spend more time with his dog), and now the entire band has decided to pack it up. Of course, with guitarist Phil Stevens heading to the East Coast, it made the decision a lot easier. According to the remaining members of Waves, the band will continue to play together under a different moniker. And they’ll also put out all the material they’ve recorded as Waves and Radiation since the release of the band’s debut disc, Whom the Gods Notice They Destroy at some point. Waves will play one last show this Friday at Bob’s Java Jive.

The Fucking Eagles are working on a concept album, as you may have heard. The news first broke via the band’s MySpace page earlier this month. Apparently, the disc is scheduled for an August release, will be called Midnight Sour, and will be celebrated at a record release party at The New Frontier on August 21. Bobble Tiki caught up with Fucking Eagles’ drummer Stu, who had this to say about the “concept” — “I guess if there’s a general theme it would be about disruption of the (Tacoma) party time continuum,” says Stu.  

And, finally, Wintergrass decided to formally ditch Tacoma this week. Apparently there are cheaper rooms available for the festival in Bellevue.

Which leads Bobble Tiki to his thought of the week: WTF!?!