Friday the 13th

Plus: Ushipzin and more

By Volcano Staff on February 12, 2009

CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC: I liked Confessions of a Shopaholic about as much as I disliked Sex and the City. Both are about clueless women, but this one knows it. SITC is about women searching for love in most of the wrong places, and Shopaholic is about a woman searching for happiness in the places that are absolutely right for her: Prada, Gucci, Macy’s, Barney’s, Saks and on down the avenue. (PG) Two and a half stars — Roger Ebert

THE INTERNATIONAL: Not since the days of silent movies have bankers as a group been cast so ruthlessly as villains. They used to wear waxed mustaches and throw widows and orphans out into the storm. Now the mustaches are gone. “Banker” has been incorporated into the all-embracing term “Wall Street.” The bankers in The International broker arms deals, sell missiles under the counter and assassinate anyone who gets too snoopy. First they throw you out into the storm, then they blow you up. (R) Three stars — RE

FRIDAY THE 13TH: About the best Friday the 13th movie you could hope for.  Its technical credits are excellent.  It has a lot of scary and gruesome killings.  Not a whole lot of acting is required.  It is an unremitting exercise in nihilistic despair. (R) Two stars – RE

USHPIZIN: A heartwarming and humorous Israeli drama about an Orthodox Jewish couple with financial problems who turn to prayer for help.  Instead of a miracle, two suspicious criminals arrive to test their faith.  Part of the Blue Mouse’s Tacoma Sister Cities International Film & Food festival. (PG) – Bill White