The right stuff ... for 1990

Donnie, Danny, Joey, Jonathan and Jordan will hang at the T-dome

By Bobble Tiki on November 20, 2008

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Oh Oh Oh Oh

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

The New Kids are so old the Clapper turns them on.

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Oh Oh Oh Oh

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

But they’re the reason Bobble Tiki sings this song.

That’s right, now aging teenage girls of the late ’80s and early’90s, Donnie, Jordan, Joey, Jonathan and that other one are back — collectively known as the New Kids on the Block — and this Saturday, Nov. 22 they’ll be hitting the Tacoma Dome.

And they say they have the right stuff. 

Either way, it’s easily the best thing to hit the Tacoma Dome since this year’s RV show, and besides that — the NKOTB reunion tour that will bring the boys to T-town this weekend ranks near the top of Bobble Tiki’s list of “S*** he was nearly certain he’d never live to see” — right up there with a woman who had surgery to become a man only to later become pregnant and pop out kids thanks to a still functioning uterus. 

Since both have now happened, it may be time for Bobble Tiki to generate a new list.

But Bobble Tiki digresses.

Before there was ‘N Sync and the Backstreet Boys, but after there was the Jackson 5 and New Edition — there was the New Kids on the Block. Five friends from Boston, the fresh-faced boys took the world by storm, unleashing a pop culture phenomenon the likes of which the world has rarely seen. The music was catchy, the dance moves were (shall we say) memorable, and the sound was unmistakable. The New Kids on the Block exploded onto the scene, and they were the hottest act going for three or four years. 

Then they fell on tough times.

Allegations of lip-syncing. Shall we say memorable dance moves. Danny started to look more and more like a marsupial. Times were changing, and the New Kids — for better or worse — got left behind.

More than 15 years later, for some hard-to-fathom reason (which Bobble Tiki is sure has nothing to do with money), NKOTB decided to resurface. Not only did they resurface, but the boys (who are now like older uncles) recorded a new album and loaded up the NKOTB buses for a worldwide redemption tour.

If that’s not enough to make your hypercolor T-shirt change colors, Bobble Tiki’s not sure what is.

“I want it to be redemption for the fans. I want them to feel entertained, to feel treated to something special. And I want them to be so satisfied by what they get that they’ll realize they weren’t crazy all those years ago — that they put their heart into the right place back then and that it was worth the wait to come back again,” says New Kid on the Block Donnie Wahlberg of the NKOTB reunion on the “band’s” official Web site.

Was it worth the wait? We’ll know Saturday night. Whether you’re a teenage girl or just have the musical taste of one, the NKOTB show at the Tacoma Dome is something few ever expected — and that’s just enough spice to make it intriguing. 

As usual, Bobble Tiki doesn’t care what you do this week because he doesn’t even know you. Sorry about that. Unless you can tell Bobble Tiki when Boy Krazy is going to get back together and play Jazzbones, then Bobble Tiki’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to meet you. Check out for all your South Sound Internet needs, and consider that close enough. If you got any closer to Bobble Tiki you could smell the fresh Joey McIntire on his shoe. 

[Tacoma Dome, Saturday, Nov. 22, 8 p.m., $30.50-$78.50 at Ticketmaster, 2727 E. D St., Tacoma,]