McCann Motors

I ran into their window

By Steph DeRosa on November 20, 2008

Now is the perfect time to buy a car. The specials and rebates on any and all vehicles are fantastic. But with the way the economy is headed (or has already become), is it really the perfect time? It’s a catch 22 that manager Jim Walker and sales executive Harvey Weybrew have to deal with on a daily basis at McCann Cadillac. With all the outrageous discounts I’ve been hearing about, I just had to go in and check one out. I found two very warm and amiable salesmen, who I now consider friends. Some may consider these two "victims" of my Trouble with DeRosa column, and that's OK by me. Because, really aren't all my friends also victims?

STEPH DEROSA: Dude, you have huge, glass, automatic-opening doors as you walk in. I ran right into them. I bet that happens a lot — customers running into the glass doors.


JIM WALKER: No, not ever. Just you.


DEROSA: I’m going to dirty those windows up so they’re more visible. That’s just dangerous.


WALKER: Please don’t.


HARVEY WEYBREW: Actually, it’s the salesmen that almost run into them. They’re in such a hurry sometimes.


WALKER: Still, it’s just you, Steph.


DEROSA: Fine, whatever, Jim. Look, the general public has a certain stereotype about car salesman. Do you know what stereotype I’m talking about?


WEYBREW: Yeah, that we’re liars. And that’s usually because they’ve dealt with some small dealership with no integrity. McCann Motors has been family owned for 50 years, and we’re big on integrity.


WALKER: I tell you what, Steph, I bet you every salesman here you would be able to take home to dinner.


DEROSA: Oh, you bet I would. That’s a great idea! Which one should I take home? Who’s the cutest?




WALKER: Jay Cross is probably the nicest guy here. He’d be fun to take home.


DEROSA: Harvey, if I took you home for dinner, would you behave?


WEYBREW: Of course I would behave.


DEROSA: Well that sucks. How disappointing. 


WEYBREW: How would I have to misbehave?


DEROSA: You can start by dirtying up those glass doors.

WALKER: No, don’t Harvey. The janitor just finished cleaning off Steph’s body print.


DEROSA: Most men would’ve kept that as a souvenir, you know.

WALKER: I highly doubt that.


DEROSA: And that’s why I’m not taking you home for dinner.