Hanging with the spurs

Carmen rides a cowboy

By Carmen Jones on September 4, 2008

Natasha and I most certainly believe that this last weekend was by far the best Ellensburg Rodeo EVER.

We trotted into town last Wednesday for some honky tonkin’ and quality time with everyone that Natasha knows there. And we were lucky enough to land in complete comfort while staying with Best Friend Joy and Ben.

Even better, every single one of the shirts that I scored at Renton Western Wear were a complete country success.

Wednesday night we hopped into The Tav to get ourselves into gear. 

Thursday we headed to the fair during the day for excellent crappy food, then the Oak Rail and Horseshoe at night, along with the rest of the rodeo lovers.

Friday included one of the all-time highs. Natasha convinced me to bring my sneakers, and she took me a on a killer hike up the Manastash ridge. I can’t believe I made it to the top, and the breathtaking view on that 80-degree day was life-changing and such a sweet reward.

As the city reached full saturation with all kinds of country folk, we took on the beer garden Behind the Chutes and flirted with all of the cowboys.

Saturday we were up early for the annual parade, while joining the masses who drink beer at 10 a.m. at the Frontier Tavern because the bagpipers from the parade play there.

Saturday evening was home to the Extreme Bullriding Competition, and I’ll never be able to get over how crazy those cowboys are.

Sunday we attended a barbecue and extreme bocce ball tournament at Kyle and Mandi Tate’s house, then we were joined by Jewels in dancing all night long at the Horseshoe Tavern.

Monday Funday we again headed Behind the Chutes to burn through some more beer tokens, and we heard funny stories about how Jewels became the Ultimate Cowboy when he was working to vaccinate and brand a calf and it crapped directly in his mouth.

We also talked about how you can distinguish a real cowboy from the wannabes and pretend ones: The dead giveaway is the spurs.

It’s always such a blast to watch all of the talented line dancers who don’t care about the hay that’s attached to their fancy Wranglers from sitting on the bales.

As the chutes were shutting down for another year, we walked to the First and Last Chance Tavern. On the way we heard a rodeo volunteer telling a visitor that the weekend does indeed go by real fast, and the only thing that’s sad about it is that you’re a year older the next time the rodeo comes around. Yes siree Bob.

While at the F&L we really kicked up our heels with the people who were dancing on the bar and all of the cowboys, girls and true Ellensburg locals who know how to party just right.

We also gave this cowboy props for his big Mack truck. He encouraged us to look at his rear license plate, which read: “HRSPWR.” 

Saying goodbye to that fun city and all of those great people is never an easy thing, but both Natasha and I were so satisfied with all of that cowgirlin’ up.


Tell me where you like to party at permanentlipstick@hotmail.com.