Boy in the Bubble

Sweaty music hits Olympia Saturday

By Matt Driscoll on September 4, 2008

Rarely are made-for-TV-movies memorable. In fact, made-for-TV-movies should probably be thankful they’re not, because if they were memorable people would likely recall how much they suck and stop watching them.

However, there are a few made-for-TV-movies that stick in my consciousness — movies I’ll never forget for a variety of reasons.

One of the most bizarrely creepy made-for-TV-movies of all time has to be 1976’s The Boy in the Plastic Bubble — staring a young, soon to be Scientologist beefcake John Travolta. I can’t remember exactly when I saw it, but every time I hear the term “boy in a bubble,” I can’t help but think of Travolta’s naively doe-like eyes peering out from behind his plastic pathogen shield onto a germ-filled world he’ll never know.

Needless to say, this vision freaks me out. It’s a fucking creepy movie.

The connection is difficult to get past — but in the right situation it can be done. When I used the magic of the World Wide Interweb to check out Boy in the Bubble — a Bay Area based, multi dimensional rock four piece set to play Le Voyeur in Olympia Saturday, Sept 6 — for example, the made-for-TV-mistake was 86’d from my brain. The band is that good.

Loud and soft. Frayed and finely tuned. Boy in the Bubble can bounce between aesthetics with the best of them — and the band does so with remarkable ease and proficiency. Boy in the Bubble’s show Saturday at Le Voyeur should put it all on display. 

“I’ve always wanted to play Oly, and this is the first time. I expect to have a lot of fun to a crowd that’s paying attention and is ready to have fun,” says Boy in the Bubble frontman Josh Seidenfeld.

“The conventional wisdom is that you have to tour to succeed as a band, but I’m very skeptical of conventional wisdom in a dying system — the music business as it exists. Since gas is, like, $17 a gallon and clubs seldom pay much even on a good night, touring doesn’t feel like any kind of road to ‘success,’ but it is a fucking awesome chance to play shows every night and make awesome sweaty art with people all over the country.”

Check out Boy in the Bubble’s sweaty art this Saturday at Le Voyeur. 

[Le Voyeur, Boy in the Bubble, As The Devil Dances, The Pacific Northwest Beard and Moustache Club, Paper Scissors, Saturday, Sept. 6, 10 p.m., no cover, 404 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia, 360.943.5710]