Bar Feeders, Lopez

They can still bring the punk.

By Matt Driscoll on August 7, 2008

If there has ever been a better bill for punk rock and beer drinking, I don’t remember one. Chances are, after this show, I won’t remember it either.

That’s because San Francisco’s the Bar Feeders and Portland’s Lopez — two of the drunkest and rowdiest punk bands you’ll ever find — are set to play Hell’s Kitchen on Thursday, Aug 14. Joining them will be fellow Bay Area punk rockers Triclops and Kitsap boys The Enemies Of. All in all, it should be enough to inspire at least a few calls in sick  Friday morning — at least from those in attendance who are employed in the first place.

As I’m sure either band would readily admit, there’s not much youthful glow left on Lopez or the Bar Feeders. Both bands have doled out enough three-chord scorchers and headache inspiring, 20-minute punk rock sets to deserve Social Security benefits. Both bands are like Timex with a drinking problem — they’ve taken a lickin’ but kept on tickin’. But that’s part of what makes them great. Lopez and the Barfeeders have the scars to prove their punk rock prowess, and when either band climbs on stage spiky haired pups would be smart to take note. The Bar Feeders and Lopez do it the way it should be done. When they both invade the Kitchen on the same night you know it’ll be a punk rock evening not to miss.

Remembering the show, however, is optional.

[Hell’s Kitchen, 9 p.m., $5, 3829 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]