Biodiesel Homebrewing

Take matters into your own hands

By Bobble Tiki on June 5, 2008

Oh, Bobble Tiki knows. It's painful. It costs 50 bucks to fill Bobble Tiki’s Tercel, nearly $100 to fill a Chevy Tahoe. But it's making Bobble Tiki more aware. And by all accounts, America only responds and behaviors will only change when faced with ugly crises, especially those that maul our wallets. Sure, oil companies are gloating like hogs and sucking entire universes of gross profit through their enlarged prostates. Yeah, whatever. You and Bobble Tiki are long past due to kick-start a change in our energy gluttony.

Bonus: Lyle.

Lyle Rudensey of (greatest name ever) presents a hands-on biodiesel homebrewing workshop so Bobble Tiki can make his own fuel for $1 a gallon. Neat. Lyle will take Bobble Tiki through lots of science and hook him up to the Appleseed reactor. Holy Johnny!

There’s a rumor the class will celebration its gallon over a different brew at Paddy Coyne’s after the workshop.

[Super Secret Location revealed upon registration, Sunday, June 8, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., $60, $100 couple (shotgun!),]