Rock the Cause

Local musicians gather in the name of Love Tacoma and Project:U

By Matt Driscoll on May 15, 2008

I always support rocking for the cause. Always. If a cause is worth supporting, then by god it’s totally worth rocking.

Now, when I say I support, mainly that means I write about it here in the Weekly Volcano.

That’s how I support things. I’m a writer. It just makes sense. If I were a pastry chef I’d whip up some tarts. But I’m not.

With local music in Tacoma, there’s no shortage of worthy causes. It seems like there’s a benefit every weekend, and it’s hard to remember one with a bogus purpose (though there have been a few).

This Sunday, May 18 Love Tacoma and Project:U have teamed up to create Rock the Cause, a fund-raiser for the United Way of Pierce County set to go down at Jazzbones from 2-9 p.m. It’ll be a multifarious mix of great local rock and roll talent and a hip-hop band, all available to an all-ages crowd, and all in the name of raising cash for the United Way of Pierce County. I spoke with United Way of Pierce County president Rick Allen for this week’s cover story, and what the organization does for the uninsured alone should be enough to inspire your donations and intrigue you into spending Sunday at Jazzbones. Couple that with a lineup consisting of Evan Purcell, Fear Train Caravan, Matt Coughlin, Nasty Left, Paris Spleen, the Vamanos, and Trip the Light Fantastic, and you’ve really no good reason to miss this show.

“This event will rock because it’s the sweetest of unions between meeting great people and entertaining your eardrums, all while supporting a fantastic local business and community,” says Love Tacoma’s Roxanne Murphy, who organized Rock the Cause.

“This was also an excellent chance for Love Tacoma to partner with Project:U. Project:U is a United Way of Pierce County program that works to unite 20- and 30-somethings through cool events and volunteer activities, in support of the United Way of Pierce County. Project:U satisfies the philanthropic spirit in people, while Love Tacoma works the social side by creating urban playtime in Tacoma hotspots. We bring people together to literally Love Tacoma while supporting art, cultural and small business amenities throughout the city.”

What’s not to love about that? Rock the Cause this Sunday at Jazzbones.

[Jazzbones, Sunday, May 18, 2-9 p.m., all ages, $8, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253. 396.9169]