
A chat with the dead Jimi Hendrix

By Bobble Tiki on May 22, 2008

Bobble Tiki enjoys a good, spirited debate. That’s not to say Bobble Tiki enjoys a good-spirited debate, because when Bobble Tiki throws down verbally he likes to pull out all the stops. Be it name calling or mama referencing, Bobble Tiki will stop at nothing to emerge victorious in any argument — at least in his mind.

For the past four years Bobble Tiki has been involved in the most vicious of “debates” with Weekly Volcano music columnist Matt Driscoll. The subject of this debate is tribute bands, and Driscoll and Tiki sit at opposite ends of the spectrum. Driscoll hates them. Tiki loves them. At times it’s been cordial, at other times it’s been down right nasty. Bobble Tiki will never forget the day Driscoll told him he had s*** for brains because he bought a CD from a Rush tribute band, and Bobble Tiki’s pretty sure Driscoll will never forget the time Bobble Tiki plastered his beat up Volvo with impossible-to-remove bumper stickers for Stand Up and Shout — the Dio tribute band from Goldendale, Wash.

Or at least Bobble Tiki hopes that ************ will never forget it.

Anyway, the debate flared up again this week because Bobble Tiki is covering Randy Hansen’s show at Jazzbones on Saturday, May 24. Randy Hansen is far and away the most jaw-dropping Jimi Hendrix impersonator Bobble Tiki has ever laid eyes on. His riffs are spot on, he’s got the look, he’s got the strut, and he’s got the volume. Hell, he’s even got the teeth.

With his Hendrix shtick, Randy Hansen has come as close as you can to tribute band perfection. The fact is so undeniable that even Driscoll wavered this week. The schmuck admitted that Hansen was the best musical “tribute” he’d ever seen, and that even as a tribute artist, Hansen “doesn’t totally suck.”

These are Driscoll’s words, not Bobble Tiki’s.

The bottom line is Randy Hansen deserves respect from all parties. Whether you’re the kind of music fan that appreciates tribute bands or not, everyone can see when an artist is at the top of his game. Hansen has climbed the mountain Hendrix and stood victorious and unmatched atop for as long as there have been tribute bands. In fact, Randy Hansen led the first rock tribute band in U.S. history in 1975, and in the 33 years since no one has come close to his level of perfection.

But the bottom line is this: there’s one person who can proclaim with unquestioned authority that Randy Hansen is a one-of-a-kind talent. Unfortunately, that person is Jimi himself, and he’s as dead as can be.

Luckily for readers of the Weekly Volcano Bobble Tiki can talk to the dead. Sometimes. If he’s had enough liquor. This exact scenario happened last Monday night, and Bobble Tiki got a chance to pose a few questions to the dead Jimi Hendrix. Here’s how the conversation went:

BOBBLE TIKI: Jimi? Are you with me?

JIMI HNDRIX: Yeah man. I’m here.

TIKI: Holy crap. I’m such a big fan. How’s the afterlife treating you?

HENDRIX: Groovy, man. Groovy. Things are chill in the afterlife.

TIKI: That’s great to know.

HENDRIX: Yeah. It’s really peaceful here. And everyone’s naked.

TIKI: Hey, how are the drugs in heaven?

HENDRIX: It’s heaven, man, how do you think? They’re AMAZING! And they’re all free. There are just big bowls of drugs sitting all around heaven. And everyone’s naked.

TIKI: Wow.

HENDRIX: I know.

TIKI: Anyway, Bobble Tiki’s sure you’ve been busy in the afterlife, but he was wondering if you’ve had a chance to see Randy Hansen? If so, Bobble Tiki was wondering what you think?

HENDRIX: Who’s Bobble Tiki?

TIKI: Um, that’s me.

HENDRIX: But you just said “Bobble Tiki was wondering. …”

TIKI: Yeah.

HENDRIX: So, what, you like speak in the third person?

TIKI: Yeah.

HENDRIX: Groovy, man.

— End transmission —

Unfortunately, it was at that point that Bobble Tiki sobered just enough to lose Hendrix. Bobble Tiki never got an answer from the guitar god about what he thought of the tribute artist many see as his heir apparent.

Oh well. There are bowls of drugs in heaven and everyone’s naked.

That’s good enough for Bobble Tiki.

Randy Hansen will play Jazzbones this Saturday, May 24. If you’ve never had a chance to see this guitar mimicking madman, Bobble Tiki suggests you drop everything and bolt to the Boneyard. Even if you don’t like tribute bands, Hansen’s skills will win you over. Expect it to be loud. Expect it to be tight. And expect your mind to be blown.

Expect Bobble Tiki to be there, rocking out to Randy Hansen and scheming on ways to get into heaven.

As usual, Bobble Tiki doesn’t care what you do this week because he doesn’t even know you. Sorry if the news is disappointing.  Bobble Tiki figured you’d know the drill by now. Unless you can tell Bobble Tiki why some democrat hasn’t “accidentally” pushed Hillary into a wood chipper at this point then Bobble Tiki’s pretty sure he has no use for you. Just check out www.weeklyvolcanospew.com for all your South Sound blogosphere needs, and consider that as close as you’re going to get to Bobble Tiki. Remember: He’s a Tiki of the people, but not for the people.   

[Jazzbones, Saturday, May 24, 9 p.m., $10, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]