Beer and my best friend

C’mon people. Open a pub for me and my dog.

By Sandee Glib on April 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to me! This weekend I celebrate getting older, but I really don’t mind. I carry my age better than most do (I believe), my wits are still in tact, and with age comes wisdom. Doesn’t it? I am an Aries, therefore an idea person. So for my birthday, I am going to give something to you and expect little in return: a great idea.

More and more people are opting not to have children these days. Instead they are spending their time and money on pets, especially dogs. There are doggy boutiques, daycares and off-leash parks popping up everywhere. According to the American Pet Products Manufacturing Association it is estimated that in 2008 an estimated $43.4 billion will be spent on our pets in the United States, and it increases every year.

There is pretty much nothing I wouldn’t do for my dog. My child is grown and out of the house, so my dog plays surrogate baby to my misplaced motherly yearnings. I wish I could take him everywhere, but I can’t. He’s 75 pounds. While owning a restaurant, my dream would come true if I were allowed to bring my dog to work, but alas I cannot. Health department rules, public safety, blah, blah, blah … So here is my idea:

You have had a tough day at the office. It’s 6 p.m. and there is just enough light out to take the dog for a walk, but you’re exhausted. All you want to do is sit back with a beer and chill. Then you notice those big, sad, brown eyes. What choice do you have? Ah, but you do! Take the pooch and a few bucks to the Dog House Pub and Eatery!

One side of the building is a pub and the other side is doggy playground heaven! There is a big Plexiglas wall separating the two so owners can watch their dogs romp and geek out while drinking a beer. Sounds like the perfect day to me. PLUS the playground side can generate income as a doggy daycare on weekdays.

What about dog safety you ask? When I have taken my dog to daycare, there is a detailed admission process where you have to provide up-to-date vet records and personality information on the pet, which are kept on permanent file. This doggy play area would not be a free-for-all either. There would be a paid attendant to watch the dogs, and troublemakers would be kicked out. Plus there is BEER!

If you are unnaturally attached to your dog like I am, you have to see the potential here. Or maybe you are just trying to kill two birds with one stone. Try this scenario, Husband: “Honey, I’m taking Tiger out for a walk. We’ll see you in a couple of hours.” Wife: “That rat-bastard is taking Tiger to the Dog House for a couple of pints!” Really, what can be better than combining many of our favorite things: food, beer and dogs! Throw sleep in there somewhere and you REALLY have a winning combination.

Now I know you are asking, “Sandee, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?” Well, the sad fact is, I have no money at the moment and I really want to see this idea come to fruition. So, someone please, take the idea and run with it. May I suggest that this pub focus on great beer and food choice as well. Our pets cannot carry the entire burden.

This concept has moneymaker written all of over it, and all I ask in return is that you invite us to the grand opening with a complimentary pint for me and perhaps a meaty bone for my buddy. For my true reward will be that now my best friend and I have a safe place to play and drink … together.

Eat out Tacoma. We need you love.

Sandee Glib has worked in the restaurant and hospitality industry for more than 12 years as a server, bartender, cook and owner. Her opinions are expressly her own and she is always right.