Hittin' the hot spots

Carmen jet sets with T-town celebs.

By Carmen Jones on February 28, 2008

I’m very sad to report that I’m currently down with the sickness that’s going all around town, but lucky for me, this illness caught up with me after I had a fantastic end of the week and weekend.

Everybody loves a Naccarato

Last Thursday, Natasha and I joined the rest of the chichi people who were at Steve Naccarato’s solo exhibition of amazing photographs at the Fulcrum Gallery. I’d never been to this gallery before, which is a really hip and cool space that the MLK corridor is so lucky to have. Naccarato’s photographs were breathtaking, with such local splendor. They made me see Tacoma in a brand new way. As for the social side, Naccarato was as dashing and charming as ever, as was his brother, Gordon, and the Cuddle-Bug Corey, Pappi Swarner and Brad Allen. We all buzzed about, admiring Steve’s work, gossiping about Tacoma secrets, nibbling on treats, and grooving to local DJs. The room was filled with smiles, several of Steve’s pieces sold, and this event was a great success, especially for a first-time showing. Congrats, Steve and Fulcrum owner Oliver Doriss. You’re making it happen!

Fancy Friday

I met my girls K to the K and Natasha at El Gaucho Friday night for nothing but fun. We selected El Gaucho as a getaway from the hustle and bustle of knowing everyone at our usual spots. K to the K and I had some big stuff to update each other on. Much to our surprise, our news was the same: We’re both going back to school! She’s going after a certification in accounting, and I’m going to apply for a master’s program in public administration. YAH! Don’t mess with smart girls! After we got our life updates out of the way, the three of us took in the busy scene in the speakeasy-style of El Gaucho. Every seat was taken in this gigantic space. We sat at the bar, chatted with bartender Howie, and Natasha made us share the banana bread pudding, and I’m glad she did. After, we kept the fancy flair going and adjourned to the Pacific Grill for another nice glass of red wine. There we had a chance to meet Jeff Bishop and his beautiful and sweet wife, Amanda. We’re all so stoked for his Italian restaurant, Merende, to open on Pacific Avenue in the former Vin Grotto space. However, it was still very sad to see Vin Grotto go. Best of luck to you, Kris Blondin and crew!

Link-N-Drink Saturday

Saturday, I caught the Link-N-Drink, an event where 40-some people drink at different stops along the Tacoma Link light rail. We gathered at the Lark Gallery inside Sanford and Son Antiques for some Lark Lemonade (YUM!), then we hopped on the link and drank at the Pacific Grill, Alfred’s Café, Bubble Room and Meconi’s. Little Liz and I split from the group for drinks at Matador. That was a blast! Go to www.myspace.com/linkanddrink for more info.

I’m Carmen, your new chameleon. Drop me your favorite parties at permanentlipstick@hotmail.com