Michelle Walters

Rising above the crowd

By Suzy Stump on November 8, 2007

The Dockyard Derby Dames roller derby league is high camp, and that’s where the real attraction lies for most players and fans. Bad-ass hot chicks in tight outfits and quad skates zoom around a track, hip-checking their opponents into the railing. Nice.

Their fans, well, not so high camp. Every hoodie and T-shirt in Tacoma must have hung out at the Dames’ Championship Bout last Saturday, both men and women. Zzzzzzzz.

Then there’s Michelle Walters. Screw the jeans, T-shirt and Chuck Taylors. One of these things is not like the other!

Walters looked stunning in an A. Byer dress from Macy’s with black 20-hole Doc Marten boots. Her makeup was by Lancome and Estee Lauder. Adhesive jewels on her right temple and left arm were a nice touch.

“My sister, Ace Spastic,” was a Dockyard Derby Dame for the first two bouts,” she explains. “I’ve been a fan ever since.”