Chris Trashcan launches The Gold Teeth

Former Mexican Blackbirds lead singer to debut his new band, The Gold Teeth, at Bob's Java Jive Saturday, unless it's still shutdown by the City of Tacoma for electrical repairs

By Matt Driscoll on January 25, 2007

Editor's Note:  This show will not be held at Bob's Java Jive unless the owners can make electrical repairs to the building immediately. Rob McNair-Huff, Tacoma Community Relations supervisor, confirmed that the city shut down the Java Jive, a Tacoma landmark, yesterday.
McNair-Huff said the Jive was served an "emergency plan of repairs."
The owners have one week to get an electrical contractor to repair the city code violations or the city will turn off its power.
For updates on the following show, keep an eye on derbydames.

There are a handful of people in the Tacoma music scene I truly respect. I'm not talking respect like I say what's up when I see them at the Kitchen or browsing a local record store, I mean respect like I actually, completely, totally, respect them.
I truly respect Flash at Hell's Kitchen. If it wasn't for Flash, what would I write about every week? If it wasn't for Flash, where else could I go on the weekend and be guaranteed kick-ass rock and a chance of contracting Hepatitis C?

I truly respect Girl Trouble - all of them. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for Girl Trouble, Tacoma would have ceased to be when I was still playing with He-Man action figures.

I truly respect Justin McDonald from Top Heavy Crush. He asked me to autograph his bass amp. That's pretty much my crowning moment.

I truly respect Pappi Swarner. The man signs my paychecks. In my experience, it's best to respect the man who puts food on your plate.

I truly respect Ted Barton, who used to keep me company almost every night when I worked the door at a certain club in Tacoma. Without trying to ruffle any feathers, the music at this certain club was usually, let's say, better suited for a slightly older demographic than myself. Being trapped at the door of this certain club, at times, was like being the only fuzzy bunny at a petting zoo for 5-year-olds conceived under power lines. Ted's been around the block a few times and was always there when I needed someone who wasn't a 47-year-old woman with seven martinis in her and running eye makeup.

And, I truly respect Chris Trashcan, whom I first came to know a number of years ago through his work for the Seattle-based newspaper Tablet and his band, the Mexican Blackbirds. His band, flat out, was hot s@#%. Loud, dirty, drunk, short, and on point - this was the Mexican Blackbirds in a nutshell. I respected his band because they personified everything I believe to be true and good about rock 'n' roll, and I respected Trashcan because he cussed like a sailor with a trucker's mouth and because he wasn't afraid to speak his mind.

Earlier this month I started hearing reports that Trashcan had put a new band together, and they'd be playing Bob's Java Jive on Saturday, Jan. 27, as part of a benefit for Tacoma's beloved Dockyard Derby Dames. I heard it'd be a pajama party and those who wore pajamas would be let in for three bucks; those not in pajamas would pay five.

Well, kids, the reports were true. Trashcan's new band is called The Gold Teeth, and they're playing the Jive this Saturday. Even the pajama part is true.

The Gold Teeth is: Trashcan, Dave Takata (Argonaut) and Jason Locking on guitars, Bob Lurvey (Plastards) on drums, and Sean Horst on bass. Trashcan met Locking at Magoo's, and Horst still doesn't own his own bass. All five have come together "somewhere in the middle," as Trashcan puts it, and their collective goal isn't very lofty. They don't want to conquer the world. In fact, they don't even want to tour it (except for maybe Europe, says Trashcan).

The Gold Teeth are in it to have fun, play rock 'n' roll, and drink beer - not necessarily in that order.

"It's low-key. We really don't have any plans," says Trashcan.

"It got to be very boring not being in a band. The other guys were kind of in the same boat, not doing anything. When you're not in a band you don't get to drink free beer at shows. We all wanted to drink free beer again.

"We're all friends. Sometimes we don't even practice; we just drink beer and listen to records. We've got seven or eight songs. Two of them are covers. We came together in the middle; I mean we cover Mudhoney and Motorhead. All of us can kind of agree. In the beginning we drank a lot of beer, so we had a lot of trouble remembering our songs. We just started remembering them a couple weeks ago," he says.

Coming from a band like the Mexican Blackbirds, who for a spell were playing in some bar, somewhere, every bloody weekend, the laid-back approach Trashcan seems to be taking with this new project is not surprising. Like all of us, the gentlemen in The Gold Teeth have gotten older. While Trashcan is still on my top five list of "most rock 'n' roll dudes I know," a less active band is something he probably deserves.

"We all have kids, or wives, or house payments, or are supervisors at work. None of us have any desire to tour or sleep on floors anymore," says Trashcan.
"We'll probably put out a record, and we'll play Seattle and Portland. It's not like the Blackbirds, playing crazy amounts of shows everywhere. We practice one day a week. It's pretty simple."

The Gold Teeth play their first show at Bob's Java Jive on Saturday, Jan. 27. Not to be overlooked, the event is a benefit for Tacoma's Dockyard Derby Dames. Every cent will go to the roller-warriors. It's a pajama party and playing along is strongly suggested.

"Oh yeah, we'll be in our pajamas," says Trashcan.

"It's a very worthwhile event. My girlfriend is a Derby girl. Those chicks are bad. Roller Derby is the coolest thing in Tacoma right now."

The Gold Teeth

With: The Dockyard Derby Dames hosting a Pajama Party to benefit their roller derby league
When: Saturday, Jan. 27, 9 p.m.
Where: Bob's Java Jive maybe, 2102 S. Tacoma Way.  Check www. for a venue change if the electrical repairs  are not complete.
Cost: $3 in pajamas, $5 without